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Ngaire at ArtSelect Gallery with BDP cropped.jpg

Starting an art collection
by Ngaire Stone

I get asked by clients what they should do when Starting to collect art. My advice is buy what you love and will make you smile as you pass it hanging on your wall.


If you can find up-and-coming artists that fit into this category that’s a bonus.  By using a dealer gallery to make your purchase you can tap into the dealers knowledge and not rely on just the artist themselves.

Hearing an impartial back story about a painting or artist is part of the provenance that informs a buyer and make the acquisition more meaningful. It's always good to have some art from a renown artist too if the budget allows but then buy again a style or subject that attracts you.  


I have clients whose walls are full from ceiling to floor and also rotate art from their wardrobes or storage areas in their homes. It is good to freshen up the collection by bringing out something that hasn’t been displayed for a while.


As you change houses or acquire new ones your tastes may change – so a beach house maybe suitable for the up and coming artists paintings whereas the main house can stand the more recognizable artist.


I get asked is it ok to buy one artist and yes as over time their style and subject matter will probably change and it is fantastic to see those changes.


Always fun to challenge your buying habits and take on a piece of art that makes you and others who see it look beyond the obvious. 


Often partners will hold very different views about what is “Good Art” but later they change their mind and become a champion for something that when bought they were unsure of.


Over the years our tastes change and we need to refresh our walls from time to time so they don’t get stale.


Picasso said “Art washes from the Soul the dust of everyday life”


Recent Arrival - Carnivale by Brent Redding

A new addition to the gallery will be on display at our Christmas exhibition.

Contact Ngaire on to secure this painting before the Christmas exhibition opening.

Horton 70th Anniversay with copyright cropped.png

Christmas Exhibition Opening
on Tue 26 November
from 6-pm - 8pm

New Release Now Available!​

Horton 70th Anniversary

Pigment Print on Paper
Authorized Estate Edition

Limited Edition of 495 Arabic Numbers​

Register your interest by clicking on the Get in Touch button below.


New artists, Elvira Baranova and Bruce Mortimer amongst others will be included in the show!


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