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Elvira Baranova

With a deep-rooted passion for art, I've honed my skills in various European countries, studying painting, book illustration, and animation at the Republican College of Art and the Polytechnic University in Kyiv, Ukraine. 


Since relocating to New Zealand in 1998, I've explored different mediums and techniques, such as watercolour and acrylic, alongside oil painting. My first solo exhibition was held at the McGregor Wright Gallery in Wellington in 2001. Since then, I've consistently exhibited at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts and other galleries and organisations. My paintings have been acquired by private collectors in New Zealand and worldwide. I also actively participate in international Surreal Art exhibitions in Europe, showcasing my talent and dedication to my art.


My artistic pursuits are characterised by a surreal and fantasy essence, drawing inspiration from myths, fables, and imaginative tales from across the globe. I aim to create works that offer the viewer a unique and magical experience.


My technique is quite different. I used many layers - modelling paste, acrylic and oil. After spending many hours on each painting and focusing on sufficient details, I want a viewer to feel how the boundaries between reality and a fairytale world merge as you find yourself in an enchanted world of medieval magic, surrounded by my spiritual and slightly rueful images. 

Elvira Baranova
Current Paintings

Graces_Sm 2.jpg

Painting Story:
From Greek mythology to contemporary art, these three figures represent the ideals of female beauty
orresponding to different times and artists.
According to the poet Hesiod, they were three girls, daughter of Zeus and Euronome, a sea nymph 
with whom the god of Olympus had a brief love affair
The Three Graces were called Aglaia, Euphtosyne and Thaiya and were always together.
Besides love and beauty, the girsls were also associated with nature,
creativity, fertility, charm, splendour and joy such as graces


Size: 1520 mm wide by 1010 mm high

Medium:  Mixed media on canvas

Price: $13800

Status: Available

Leda&Swan_Sm 1.jpg

Painting Story:
This painting depicts thestory of Zeus, who took the form of a swan and seduced Leda,
impregnating her with Helen of Tryo.
This act ultimately led to the Trojan Wat and marked the end of Greek civilisation,
giving way to a new predominantly Christian era.
By merging history and mythology, my painting captures the explosive moment that changed the course of history.

Leda and Swan

Size: 710 mm wide by 550 mm high

Medium:  Mixed media on canvas

Price: $3900

Status: Available

Dragonfly-Guardian_Sm 1.jpg

Painting Story:
In almost every part of the world, the dragonfly symbolises change in the perspective of self realisation and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.
The dragonfly's scurrying flight across water represents going beyond that's on the surface and looking into the profound implications and aspects of life.
The eyes of the dragonfly are one of the most amazing and awe inspiring sights. It symblises the uninhabited vision of the mind and the ability to see beyond the limitations of the human self.

Dragonfly Gardian

Size: 850 mm wide by 600 mm high triptych

Medium:  Mixed Media on Canvas

Price: $4200

Status: Available

CarnivalDoll_Sm 1.jpg

Painting Story:
To be supplied

Carnival Doll

Size: 205 mm wide by 505 mm high

Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas

Status: SOLD

FishOfInspiration2024_Sm 2.jpg

Painting Story:
Fish are symbols of fertility, abundance and good luck. In some cultures, they are believed to be messangers of the
spirit world, connecting the living with their ancestors. 
My paintings often depict fish in vibrant colours and intricate patterns, reflecting their spiritual significance.
I use a fish as a passage to higher levels of understanding and insight. They are intruiging and beautiful, but for me, they are also magical.

Fish of Inspiration

Size: 310 mm wide by 310 mm high

Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas

Status: SOLD

BlueFish_2024_Sm 1.jpg

Painting Story:
Fish are symbols of fertility, abundance and good luck. In some cultures, they are believed to be messangers of the
spirit world, connecting the living with their ancestors. 
My paintings often depict fish in vibrant colours and intricate patterns, reflecting their spiritual significance.
I use a fish as a passage to higher levels of understanding and insight. They are intruiging and beautiful, but for me, they are also magical.

Blue Fish

Size: 310 mm wide by 310 mm high

Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas

Price: $850

Status: Available

GravityOfSoul_Sm 1.jpg

Painting Story:
Fish are symbols of fertility, abundance and good luck. In some cultures, they are believed to be messangers of the
spirit world, connecting the living with their ancestors. 
My paintings often depict fish in vibrant colours and intricate patterns, reflecting their spiritual significance.
In this painting, fish symbolise magic and wisdom. Their floating presence in the air reminds us that
anything is possible and those touched or surrounded by fish are
considered b=genuinely blessed.

Gravity of Soul

Size: 1010 mm wide by 760 mm high

Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas

Price: $6900

Status: Available

Calypso_Sm 1.jpg

Painting Story:
This painting highlights the surreal art flavour. I am inspired by the world's myths, fables and tales of imagination.

Calypso was inspired by Greek mythology where Calypso, a nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia.
According to Homer, she detained Odysseus for seven years and promised him immortaility if he stayed with
her but Odysseus preferred to return home.
Having left Calypso, Odysseus thus defeats spritual death and returns to the world of life.


Size: 1010 mm wide by 760 mm high

Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas

Price: $6900

Status: Available


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